Terms & Conditions
Thank you for your support of the Summer Bash Events!
We sincerely could not continue these events without you. As with all business transactions, we have lengthy terms of service but will ensure we are all on the same page and reduce any miscommunication as we move forward together. If you have any general questions or comments, please email info@summerbash.ca.
Terms of Service: This agreement is between you or the organization you represent (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization") and the Albert Park Community Association (hereinafter referred to as "APCA"). APCA represents and utilizes the registered name of Summer Bash, Summer Market, and Mini-Bash Movie Nights (hereinafter referred to as "Summer Bash"). Summer Bash operates as a connected entity with a separate Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as "Board") that reports back to the APCA.
I have read and understood the Summer Bash agreement and referred to the website, www.summerbash.ca, or a committee member, info@summerbash.ca, as needed. The value of tickets, merchandise or any other benefits to the organization respect individual human rights in Canada, including the values underlying the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as other rights. These include reproductive rights and the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, mental or physical disability or sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.
This agreement will take effect from the day that the form or ticket purchase is submitted to December 31st of the same calendar year.
All funds transferred to the Board or APCA will follow the Return Policy. Terms of Payment shall be payable upon receipt and verification by the Board, shall be payable immediately. All organizations are allowed access to a report on December 31st of the calendar year to demonstrate where their funds were distributed. To request this report, Organizations must email info@summerbash.ca.
Once your order has been processed, information on your purchase will be provided through email. In rare cases, contact will occur through phone but are typically only for emergency use. Our events will continue rain or shine and all organizations must plan in accordance with the weather. In the case of cancelling your participation, we require at least five (5) business days' notice. The Board may revoke any permission granted to the Organization to use and occupy any space at any time with or without cause. In such cases, an effort will be made to notify the Organization within a reasonable time. If the APCA's permit or permission to use and occupy the location is cancelled, the Organization will have no claim or right to damages, or reimbursement on account of any loss, damage, or expense whatsoever. The Organization is responsible for the conduct and supervision of all persons using the facility, park or open space on the dates and times authorized by the Board.
The Organization hereby agrees to save harmless and indemnify the Board and APCA against any and all claims, liabilities, demands, damages or rights or causes of action whatever, made or asserted by anyone arising out of or incidental to the application or to the use and occupancy of the permitted premises. In the event of damage being caused to any City of Regina, University, or Board property or assets, the Board may seek to recover those damages from the Organization. The Board is not responsible for any losses the Organization causes. The Board does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any losses, property damage or injury that may result from the Organization's activity. The Board is not responsible for the loss or theft of the Organization's property, or the property of anyone attending on the invitation of the Organization. The Organization is responsible for all damage to facilities, equipment or furnishings, however caused, arising out of or during the use of the facilities.
The Board reserves the right to evict any individuals who are seen as not acting in the best interests of the program or activity or who display inappropriate behaviour. The Organization understands the legislative requirements that relate to the activities and program being conducted and therefore is responsible for ensuring that these activities and the participants in them will comply with the requirements of any applicable federal or provincial legislation. The facility, park or open space is to be used only on the date(s) and hour(s) shown and for the purpose authorized by the Board.
The Organization is prohibited from selling any goods or services in the facility, park or open space except as covered by written agreement with the Board and included in the application form. The Organization is prohibited from having any alcoholic beverages in the facility, park or open space unless the Board gives written permission and the Organization obtains a liquor permit from Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority. No smoking or vaping shall be permitted in the facility, park or open space. The Organization is responsible for setting up, removing and cleaning the facility, park and open spaces and all related equipment. The Organization acknowledges that the Board is not providing any security services.
The Board is solely responsible for payment of any applicable license fees to copyright societies (e.g.: SOCAN) with respect to the playing of live or recorded music in the facility, park or open space. The Organization may not place any advertisement, notice, picture or decoration in the facility, park or open space without the prior written consent of the Board.
APCA, its Directors and its volunteers will not be held liable for any act out of their control, including but not restricted to, weather, lack of participants, advertising, mistakes of printing, etc. Previous success does not guarantee future successes.
By signing and clicking the Submit button, I agree to the terms of service and I have all the necessary authorities, permissions and approvals to submit this application on behalf of myself and/or the Organization.