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Youth Engagement Stream

The APCA, in partnership with Summer Bash and passion2action, presents YES (Youth Engagement Stream), a program designed to help youth engage in the community while developing leadership skills through volunteerism.

Youth will be able to choose between two streams:

Stream 1: passion2action - Projects. Projects allows teams of young people to be supported in imagining and developing, meaningful service projects designed to engage other youth and community members at Summer Bash events. Projects is for young people aged 12 -24.  


Stream 2: Summer Bash - Squads. Youth will learn goal setting, effective communication, problem-solving, teamwork and brainstorming skills at an age-appropriate level. Youth will plan community-based, family-friendly activities such as scavenger hunts, puzzles, and other activities for Summer Bash movie nights to showcase the skills that youth bring to the community. Squads is designed for youth 10-16, however, older youth may be considered.

YES will provide access to resources for youth, including mentorship and community networking opportunities, in a creative, fun environment. Creating opportunities for youth from the Regina area to take action on their passion and break down barriers to youth community involvement, using Summer Bash events as an established platform and promoting youth volunteerism and leadership. 

SUmmer Bash Squads

Passion2Action Projects

To join the Summer Bash Squads sign up below! This program is for youth age 10-16.

Check out Passion2Action's Projects below! This program is aimed at young people ages 12 - 24.

الصيف باش
حدث المهرجان الرئيسي

Fairchild بارك (4401 Albulet Drive)

مؤجل حتى 2021:

الأحد 29 أغسطس 2021

من الساعة 10:00 صباحًا حتى الساعة 6:00 مساءً


ابتداء من يونيو 2020

اللعب طوال الصيف!


@ Realtor's Park (170 Sunset Drive)

29-30 أغسطس من الساعة 10:00 صباحاً حتى 5:00 مساءً

يدير متطوعون فعاليات Summer Bash من خلال جمعية Albert Park Community Association.

نحن منظمة مجتمعية غير ربحية يديرها المتطوعون وتخلق أحداثًا آمنة تربط مجتمعنا.

PO Box 37101، Landmark Postal Stn Regina، SK S4S 7K3 | | هاتف: 306-527-1240

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